Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Is That Too Much Too Ask?

A few months ago when I was recently single and visiting friends in Atlanta, one of my best friend's moms told me the best thing that I could do to make sure I end up with the right person is to make a list of all of the qualities I want in a husband and not seriously date anyone who didn't have every one of those qualities. I've headed her advice. I've dated. A lot. And. I haven't gotten into a serious relationship with anyone I've dated since then, because deep down I knew no one could pass my "list". I never wrote the list, but I figured now is as good of a time as any to put it in writing for me, and all of cyberspace, to see and hold me to following, as silly as I'm sure half of my list will seem to the outside world...

Mr. Right will:
1. Believe in God, and have a good relationship with God.
2. Want to get married one day and believe in the sanctity of marriage- Not New York style marriage, but the real thing.
3. Want children, at least 2.
4. Like dogs, even little ones.
5. Not smoke or do drugs.
6. Have strong morals, preferable similar to mine.
7. Be kind and respectful to everyone around him, especially me.
8. Not be the type of guy that hooks up with a lot of girls, or hits on girls all the time.
9. Want a partner and best friend in life.
10. Like the beach, like to surf, or be willing to learn.
11. Be laid back and be able to handle my craziness without stressing out.
12. Accept and like my friends.
13. Respect my feelings and opinions, even if he doesn't agree.
14. Love my family and be loved by them.
15. Not look down on others or think he is better than anyone else.
16. Be nice to waiters. And cab drivers. And everyone else.
17. Call me or text me every day.
18. Be fully trustworthy.
19. Be over the whole "post college drinking and partying with their friends every night" stage
20. Be able to communicate when he's upset or angry with me.
21. Have a close relationship with his family, has his own friends.
22. Have ambition and a career.
23. Be humble, not pretencious or conceited.
24. Be completely non-dramatic, (to bal
ance me out, hah).
25. Be over the whole club/going out scene and not feel the need to talk to random girls.
26. Not give up every time things get difficult or we argue.
27. Think that I'm perfect for him.
28. Remember birthdays and anniversaries and holidays without being reminded.
29. Want something more.

Is that too much too ask? Lol.


Anonymous said...

Too cute! We should all do this, lol... :)

Katie said...

ahh I agree whole heartedly with #19.

and I love #16. You're nice to everyone, and so should they... be... hah

Anonymous said...

I'm new to NYC so I'm wondering what you mean by New York style marriage?

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with all of your points. Great list! I'm sure someone like that exists. :)

Torrie said...


New york style marriage is basically the type of marriage a lot of New York professionals have: one where at least one party is working from early morning until late at night and where the husband and wife basically have two seperate lives apart from the small amount of time they spend together---


Anonymous said...

We love my mom! :) This is such a great thing to do and is NOT too much to ask. My favorite quote: "Never settle for anything less than amazing." Love you!

Anonymous said...

Nothing but the best for you Princess!

Anonymous said...

Oh. That's kinda depressing ...