Thursday, April 3, 2008


p.s. On my elevator ride home last night the guy next to me goes, "I like your cowboy boots, are you from the South?" This starts a conversation and I'm like "Yes, sort of. You?" And he says he's from Atlanta, went to school there and, graduated my year. This is funny, because two of my good friends were in his class at his school so I say "Really? One of my best friends and another one of our friends were in your class. Do you know A or S?" He says "Yeah, I actually know them both, I dated A Freshman year, small world, we should hang out some time, what's your name? I'll Facebook you." I tell him my name and ask his. He gets off on the floor below me and I immediately call A and tell her the story. Her response, typical of a New York guy: "Ew...he's such an f-ing deuche bag, Torrie! I never dated him, we hooked up when I was drunk a few nights Freshman year. AS IF. Like I would ever date him, ewwww. Seriously get off the elevator if he gets on next time." Lol. Guess I won't be accepting that friend request....



Katie said...

haha small world. I just met someone at a gift shop (gettin' you a birthday crown, birthday girl!:o) and his Mom lives in Port Orange (Daytona) just like my Mom does!!

Anonymous said...

I know who you're talking about he was on our hall Freshman year! And yahhhh ewwwwwwwwwww. Haha

Anonymous said...

duuuudeeee etf was so si!!! i was sad to admit it. but he wasn't funny, or hot and you were si and we were sad for you!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LoL - guys can be so deluded ;)