Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sorry For The Short Sabbatical.

I'm back! Between packing and traveling, I didn't have time to write over the past few days, but here I am. I'm visiting my parents for a few days, then heading down to South Florida to find a house and a car and hopefully learn some more Espanol! It's weird being out of the city, but honestly I feel more relieved than anything. I'm so excited to get to have a normal house and a normal life soon and I'm even more excited to live where there's a beach!

On the dating front this whole my life in limbo thing has kind of been a damper, but HFM and I are still on, so we'll see how that goes...I'll see him a few weeks and I guess I'll go from there. It's crazy, because I tried to break it off with him so many times because I knew I was leaving, but he would never let me, and now I'm wondering if he really wants this after all. I kind of, ok, I totally, freaked out on him 2 days before I left or something stupid, so I'm sure that really helped the whole him still wanting to be with me thing. When we first started talking I left for Florida soon after for work, and now it's like we're in the same place, and we're still getting to know each other, which is even harder when you're half way across the country. But, sa la vi, I suppose what's meant to be always finds a way and hopefully I won't find my way out of this one...



Katie said...

puedo ayudar con us esponol!

go HFM!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad you actually moved!! :( least now I have an excuse to go to Florida? ;)

Miss you!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Ooh it sounds very exciting, and more than a bit road-trippy.